Monday, October 17, 2011

From Hunters Point to Diamond Heights

I've heard terms like, "It's not where you come from it's where you’re going." Well I would have to agree with that statement. Where you come from shapes who you are as a person, but it doesn't always dictate where you will end up in life. I watch a lot of movies about people who make it out of  bad neighborhoods and become famous or get into a good college. Black people that gain wealth in the world and often times change the type of people they hang out with and even the way they talk. In one person’s eye speaking proper may be considered to be “white washed” and that person may just be educating themselves. When I was in middle school and in high school classmates would call me white boy, but what they didn’t understand  is the way you talk doesn’t dictate who you are as a person.  There are so many different sterotypes and trends about living in the hood. That the odds are against those trying to get out and move to higher living. If you watch movies like Boyz n the Hood or ATL, the young men coming up always face a number of challenges in order to get to the position of success.
                I grew up in Bayview Hunters Point and I saw many things that help me make better decisions now. I remember a time when I was at Raging Waters and a lot of people from my neighborhood were there and it was two different groups didn’t that get along. A fight began and people were arrested because one guy snuck a shotgun into the building. He was immediately put into handcuffs and taken away by the police. What I witnessed was worse than the guy pulling out a weapon, a woman was body slammed by the police and maced by the cops for trying to get her son out of the way. Even though they apologized it still angered me because they assumed she was involved.    

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