Sunday, November 27, 2011

Occupy and Great Depression

I think the image is a direct match to what is going on because of the economic situation. In the middle the image shows a man in black standing over all the bodies and in every political movement you see a group of cops standing over the minorities. At the bottom of the picture I see another picture of someone (in black) standing in front of people as if he is guarding them. In a symbol, I see this as how every time there is a revolution the people with power tend to hide behind the police and bars that keep the minorities away from them. Those people in my eyes are seen as cowards because the people who are protesting and dying are the ones who have the heart to speak out about what they feel and the people with power don't seem to meet the needs of the protestors. The fact the people have power and they do unethical things with it shows that the government is corrupt.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

My bigggest Inspiration...My Auntie Ruby

My auntie Ruby is the oldest of my grandmothers children. She works as a director of a hospital near Los Angeles and every time we go to visit her I have a good time. Normally it's my sister, mother and I who take about five hours to drive down to Los Angeles. Recently for my senior graduation, my two younger cousins and my Auntie came out here and we had a good time. They stayed at our house for three days and I was able to catch up on all the things that were going on in their lives as well as mine. When I get to spend time with my auntie and my younger cousins it's always fun because her job moves her a lot so I do not visit with them as often as some of my other relatives that live in San Francisco. In my lifetime I think she's lived in a total of six places and when she lived in San Francisco I was one years old.
    One thing that inspires me about my auntie is the fact that she has always managed to be on her feet and not ask anyone for money. When I was younger my mother and I had struggles and we had to barrow money from my aunt to get back on our feet and she was there to help us. The money was what I saw until I got older, I realized that she didn't nag us to give it back. When we got on our feet we returned it money wasn't a problem. She has always been able to keep a nice car, nice home and keep money in the bank when she wants take a vaction or do a family event. When I'm unsure if I want to complete a task she gives me the type of perspective I need to get me back on track and focused on what need to be doing. For example, when she came out here for my graduation she asked me if Year Up would help me suceed in the future in the field I want to be in when I go to college. At first I signed up to get college credit, and I had no idea on what I wanted major in. I had a conversation with her with my aunt and she asked me if I was prepared to endure the things that go on in the real world. I couldn't answer that question, because I'm fresh out of high school and I have a lot to learn. She recognized that and gave me tips on what I can do to be ready. It's the best advice I've recieved all year and that's why my aunt Ruby is my biggest inspiration.